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A Letter to Henry...(and about that damn Men's Day post)

Dear Henry,

On November 19th you posted on your IG account about International Men’s Day. It features a video of you cutting a brisket and talking about how it was prepared and cooked. Of course, you had to include Natalie’s dog (is it though?) in the background rather than Kal, the dog fans have loved for years. Fueling the flames of division in your fandom. And then to lie about her being from Texas and claiming she approved of the brisket, with her being a supposed vegan from New Mexico. But I digress. It’s disappointing that this is how you chose to recognize International Men’s Day. Why not talk about men’s mental health awareness, things you have done to maintain your mental health? Or for promoting men’s health in general? The next day we lost Jason David Frank, popular for his role of Tommy in the Power Rangers franchise to suicide. It seems to me it would be better to use your platform to talk about more important things than your cooking and fake girlfriend on a day that is supposed to celebrate men and promote wellness.

AND TO BLOCK FAN ACCOUNTS FOR ASKING ABOUT KAL??? Completely unacceptable! YOU YOURSELF used Kal to help promote YOUR IMAGE! And fans fell in love with him! God forbid they ask about his well-being since you haven’t shown him in months. Is it most likely your team blocking the accounts? Probably. However, YOUR name is on the account. This is affecting YOUR public image.

And YOU let it continue.

Okay, rant over. Take two.


Our Darling Henry,

My have you changed over the past 18 months. What has happened to the sparkle in your blue eyes and the genuineness in your smiles shown in photos and on the screen? When I look at photographs and interview footage, I see a man struggling. I see a man who’s trying to show on the outside he’s happy “in love and in life,” but failing. The eyes are the window to the soul, and they do not hide pain and mental exhaustion.

When I look into your eyes, I see a 39-year-old man who still sees himself in the mirror as the plump schoolboy who was teased and bullied due to your size and your ambition of wanting to be head boy while at boarding school. I see the insecure little boy who would call his mom daily crying and begging to come home. And I see the invisible scars you still carry from it. You laugh when you tell your stories about this time period, but I think it hurt more than you want to admit. And it’s effecting your decisions to this day.

Well Henry, time to face the truth. You are beautiful. You were beautiful when you were the young plump kid. You were beautiful before you became Superman. You were beautiful before the heavy workouts. You were beautiful before you put on the pounds of muscle to play Geralt.

Respect yourself, Henry. Love yourself, Henry. You must do this before you can truly be happy. To find the woman who will take care of you and let you do the same for her. To have that family you claimed to want so desperately.

Why are you continuing with this farce? Why are you letting those around you destroy an image you took 20+ years to create? Do you have such little self-esteem that you surround yourself with people who do not truly have your well-being and success as an actor at heart? Have you given your loyalty to those who only care about what you can do for them? Stop choosing to surround yourself with people you think you deserve because your past traumas force you to think you don’t deserve any better. YOU DESERVE SO MUCH MORE!

On a serious note Henry, if you ever feel the need to talk to someone, reach out to me. It’ll be completely confidential. Sometimes it helps to talk to someone looking in from the outside and who’s not in “the biz.”

Most of us who have been critical of the events that have transpired over the past 18 months, do it out of genuine concern for you and your well-being. It’s just tough love. Sometimes we must hear the things we don’t want to in order to become a better person.

Sii l'uomo che ha ispirato così tante persone ad essere quello che sono. Sii quel fanatico che così tante persone sono cresciute per trasformarsi in... essere il nostro Superman.


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