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And the scammers keep on...Scamming

It's been a year since I experienced my fake celebrity scammer (Henry Cavill) and I figured I'd pull up the reporting website to see if there's been much of a change since Mr. Cavill declared his affection for his "Brilliant Love," fake PR relationship or not. HOLY CRAP the amount of assholes scamming women out of cash and gift cards is staggering. $1200 dollars here, $470 there...all given to these scumbags by unsuspecting women. But the worst damage coming out of these scams are the broken hearts, a loss of trust in people in general, with the mental health repercussions far out-weighing the monetary loss.

Remember....Henry Cavill, or any other celebrity for that matter....will not ask for money, gift cards, etc. Below is just a sliver of accounts that have been reported for being scams by Henry Cavill (my what a busy boy he's been romancing the ladies on the web). Insert eyeroll emoji here. The highlighted ones are my scammer.

Oh and I found the picture my scammer used for his fake Henry Cavill ID. And the address is for one of the Tube stations in Kensington. I'm not even going to address the signature...Henry's signature is all over the web with autographs. Nice try asshole. (Pardon the French, I'm still fired up about these SCUMBAGS.)


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