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F*It Moment: Yes, I'm Team Johnny

I have always been a fan of Johnny Depp since A Nightmare on Elm Street. My first crush was Johnny while he was on 21 Jump Street (Yes, I'm aging myself). I haven't kept close tabs on his recent battles with his ex-wife Amber Heard but I have been watching the defamation lawsuit trial since the beginning, and feel I should share my thoughts. Get ready pro-Amber fanatics, you will be disappointed.

The defamation lawsuit stems from a 2018 op-ed Amber had penned for The Washington Post that stated she was involved in a domestic abuse relationship. While it didn't outright name Johnny as the other party involved, enough information was given for the reader to assume that he was the one involved. Afterwards, he started to lose roles for film franchises he had been involved with, included the Pirates of the Caribbean and Fantastic Beasts films. His career has imploded, costing him millions of dollars on the written words of his ex-wife.

Though the "Me Too" movement started with good intentions, it was inevitable for some women out there to abuse it. It boggles my mind to see people on Twitter automatically believe a woman's accusations without really looking into the specifics. We shouldn't be on the stance of "believe all women" and condemn the guy involved in said accusation. NEWS FLASH! WOMEN LIE! It has to be reasonable to believe that not every story out there is the truth! There are sick people out there who bastardize a good cause to use for their benefit. And the cancel culture that is running wild over social media is ridiculous! People's lives are being destroyed with little or circumstantial defamatory ideas.

Now let me start off by saying no, Johnny is not perfect. He has his demons like we all do. He was a man who grew up with an abusive mother who belittled and physically abused both he and his siblings, as well as their father. Fast forward 40 years and he seems to have been involved in yet another abusive relationship. His coping mechanism happens to be drugs and alcohol. But that doesn't automatically translate to being a physically abusive per son. There are various audio tapes that prove such, with Amber admitting to hitting him, while he simply tries to remove himself from a volatile situation with her. He was conditioned to do that since he was a child. There are also photos showing various facial injuries on Johnny. And let's not forget the cutting off of his finger when she threw a bottle at him during an argument. In my opinion, so far, Johnny has proven a strong case of abuse received from his ex-wife.

While Amber hasn't had the opportunity to testify as of now, what little I've seen as proof of her abuse claims is thin. The picture of her bruised face could easily have been done using makeup. I've tried it myself to see how easy it would be for her to do it. Granted the same could be said for Johnny, but again there is audio of her admitting to hitting him and there's nothing of the sort on his part. And a big flag in general is that all of Johnny's past relationships have been out there for the public to see. And all of his exes claim he never abused them in any way. A person doesn't suddenly become physically abusive at age 58. I'm sorry, it doesn't work that way.

Amber's team brought up several text messages of Johnny and other parties using language towards her that isn't very becoming. Okay, not okay but this was a man who was under constant attack from his gf/wife and was venting his stress to others. Many people have done this, it's not a translation to physical abuse on his part. It merely shows Johnny as a flawed human being. Who isn't?!?

I'm sorry, but so far I haven't been convinced that Johnny Depp physically abused Amber Heard. He's flawed, a man who was fighting his demons, and who was on the receiving end of emotional and physical abuse from a woman he loved. The relationship wasn't perfect, in fact, it was toxic. But the evidence presented so far does not validate him losing his acting roles and being blacklisted in the industry for being painted as an abusive man. It just doesn't fit. And it's not right.

Even if Johnny Depp loses his case, he hasn't lost in the court of public opinion. I believe he's finally getting his side of the story out to the public and people are realizing that perhaps he was dealt a raw deal. In Johnny's own words:

“Truth is the only thing I’m interested in. Lies will get you nowhere, but lies build upon lies and build upon lies. I’m obsessed with the truth.”

And the "believe all women" trope. IT'S BULLSHIT!


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