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For Clarification...

So I decided to create an Instagram account yesterday to feature some of my posts from this website. And surprise, surprise, my first commenter was someone I had seen going around Henry Cavill/Natalie Viscuso posts on various accounts and bullying or attacking anyone who had concerns over his behavior or relationship with this woman. BLOCKED. I have no time or patience for keyboard warriors who get a kick out of attacking anyone who doesn't share their point of view on a topic.

Is it anyone's business who Henry Cavill dates or how he acts? Of course not, but he is a public figure and has aspects of his life shown on his personal social media account, which opens the floodgates to the admiration or criticism of the world. While there are some out there who are downright nasty to him or about his love life or the fact they believe his actions over the year have contradicted 20+ years of a specific reputation he has built up, most commenters are genuine fans who are concerned and worried for Henry. I am one of those fans. I genuinely thought Henry was one of the very few celebrities who had a genuinely positive outlook on life and family, something he had publicized throughout his career. And for this I had huge admiration and respect for him. However, his actions this past year has called all of that into question. And many fans are downright heartbroken and/or feel a sense of betrayal. And that's okay, it's part of being a human being. Who wouldn't feel that way when their idol lets them down in some way?

And fans have a right to voice their concerns. Perhaps from some it's tough love. Now bullying or downright name calling/attacking is never excusable. But let's not confuse constructive criticism with bullying. There is a difference. People will disagree all of the time. It's part of who we are. Not everyone will like what comes out of your mouth.

Will Henry listen to those concerns from fans? Most likely not. But that doesn't mean people can't say something. Social media has become so toxic in that if anyone has an opposing view they are immediately attacked or reticuled. It's disgusting and pathetic. People can no longer have a conversation.

It's time to grow up and open the lines of communication and actually have a two-way conversation. Everyone has a right to their opinion and sometimes you just have to agree to disagree and move on.



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