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May: Mental Health Awareness Month

I'm thankful that I have been able to make it okay for me to live with Bipolar Disorder. I learned to live with it years ago, and I don't let it get in my way of living life to the fullest. This past year, being on lockdown and transitioning to working from home permanently, I have never faced a tougher challenge for maintaining my mental health.

I'm a huge animal lover, and one saving grace when dealing with the stress and depression has been my cats. They are my children, and I love them to death. I look to them as my emotional support animals, and am truly blessed having them in my life. I honestly don't know what I would do without them. Well, I have an idea....

May is Mental Health Awareness month...take care of yourself...mind, body and soul. Mine is through medication, writing, and my fur babies. What's yours?



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