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The Fall of Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men

Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

It's like watching a train wreck and not being able to look away. With Henry's latest post on International Men's Day discussing cooking a brisket and his PR girlfriend Natalie yet again, a new uproar has started with many HC fan pages being blocked for simply asking about the well-being of his beloved dog Kal.

Now there is a petition on started by mylife_without_superman, whose IG page was one of the many that was blocked by Henry Cavill and/or his team. This isn't the first time Henry's account has blocked fans from his account since the start of his "relationship" with Natalie. Will the petition accomplish anything? Who knows, but in my opinion I believe it's more about getting the word out there about the blocking than having their accounts unblocked.

Here's the deal. I don't know who is in control of Henry's IG account, but blocking fans for questioning the whereabouts of Kal, being critical of him posting about his "girlfriend" on a day that's meant to celebrate men's health, or questioning the relationship itself isn't warranted. Unless it's blatant hate speech , giving one's opinion doesn't warrant a banning, even if it's not something you want to hear. People have gotten so thin-skinned that rather than take the criticism and either ignore it or learn from it, they attack those who do not agree with their views. And then they turn around and play the victim. CENSORING IS NOT THE ANSWER.

And there are 3 well known IG accounts that have done nothing but hunt down and attack any of Henry's fans who do not buy his relationship with Natalie hook, line and sinker. And yet NOTHING happens to them. And they celebrate the banning of Henry's fan pages. They call us trolls and witches repeatedly (they have a very limited vocabulary). It's disgusting and pathetic on their part. BLOCK THEM! They're not worth your time or energy.

It's common sense that if you put your personal life out in front of the world, some people are going to have some criticisms, valid or not. It's human nature. So a simple thing would be to NOT publicize those things. I keep thinking if Henry truly was in a relationship with this woman and loved her, he wouldn't repeatedly subject her to the backlash. It's cruel to do so. He would keep it private. That's why this screams PR.

So I'll repost my answer to Henry and/or his team's brilliant FO post to fans. Unblock the fan pages. Stop attacking your fans. I pray that Henry releases himself from those around him who are influencing him to make these horrible decisions and becomes the happy and healthy Henry his fans loved for decades. I pray Humpty can put himself back together.

Dear Henry Cavill and team,

I wanted to make a WEE community announcement. I can’t help but notice that there has been some social animosity for going on a year and a half and its becoming more prevalent in my feed. There has been lots of, let’s call it bullying and gas lighting for now, against fans not falling for your fake relationship and questioning your professional partnerships. It has come to a point where I needed to say something, which is not a good thing. WE ARE LIVING IN AN AGE OF SOCIAL ENLIGHTENMENT. Fans are beginning to see how you truly think of your fans. So, to you and your team, and those bullies on IG belittling those who don’t believe in this farce, IT’S TIME TO STOP. It's not fun to speculate on why you have looked haggard and lifeless for so long. It’s not fun to speculate on why you threw away your dignity and morals for this shit show. Our passion isn’t “misplaced” as we have eyes and can see you wasting away from the Henry we thought we knew for over 20 years. The only one causing harm to the people you care about is YOU. YOU have destroyed the trust and admiration of so many fans. YOU have continued to allow your “GF” and team to bully your fans. That’s why so many are “embracing this age of social enlightenment” and are moving on. They can’t be happy for you when it’s clear you aren’t TRULY happy yourself. So take your own advice and try to do yourself proud and be the best version of yourself.

Because with her…your PR girlfriend, you’re not.

-Disappointed Fans


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