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WTF Henry?!? A Look at that Durrell IG Post...

So here we go again. Henry Cavill posted on his IG account about completing the Durrell Challenge. But this time he included Natalie. His "girlfriend." And the message was found by many fans to be strange and unlike him.

"Ma body." "...a convenient excuse for me!" Did Henry really pen this? I'm guessing no. And the picture. Yes I'm going to say looks photoshopped. It looks like the two of them were plastered in front of a random background. And the blurriness around her. And I'm sorry, but are they not allowed to touch each other? I would have a hand on his shoulder. But that's for the viewer to decide. Of course many have called these inconsistencies out.

I am wracking my brain at this point. What is Henry Cavill doing? Why, for someone who claims to be private, does he keep throwing this girl in front of everyone constantly? He knows she has been controversial for his fanbase in the past. Why are we getting nothing but questionable pictures for over a year? Are we supposed to just take the shit given to us, keep our mouths shut and not question his behavior?

Most fans who do are being attacked and called haters or jealous. No, they are concerned for Henry. This spectacle has completely gone against the reputation he has spent over 20 years building up. Family man, integrity over questionable choices, passionate about charity. His actions over the past year have been questionable at best and fans who have grown a bond with him have a right to express their concerns. Have some been downright mean and bullies? Absolutely and I don't condone it, but most fans don't take it that far.

And now, Henry has LOST followers after this post. How do you do that?!? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? How do you lose followers on the day you post about a charity fans know you have been involved with and promoted for years.

IF this is truly a PR relationship, get out fast! Cleaning up your "girlfriend's" IG posts, deleting her modeling profile on Model Mayhem and god knows what else was scrubbed isn't going to fix this mess. A "forced" apology for her blackface photo isn't going to fix this. WHAT ARE YOU GETTING OUT OF THIS? IS IT WORTH THIS?

Henry Cavill: for a man who talks about wanting a family and a worldy woman, is this really the way you want to go?

Are we finally seeing beyond our rose-tinted glasses and seeing the REAL Henry Cavill?

UPDATE: When writing this blog 2 hours ago Henry's followers had jumped to 20.2 million. Social blade has 20,203,621. Now, it shows it's back down to 20.1 million. Despite the fact that it also shows he has gained 14,715 followers today. So how do you manage to lose over 3k followers in such a short time span? Oie vay.

Below is the fallout from this post. I just don't know what to think anymore. Judge for yourself.

Credit: ExposingNatalieViscuso on IG

Comments on his Durrell Post:

Well said words in the middle of this fiasco.

Credit: commanderhc, repost from Savannah_mendonza01 on IG


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